Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Why Opencv is so fast
For the convolution of a 5x5 kernel with a 1000x1000 image of type float32 (time in ms):
opencv 5.43189048767
nidimage 36.602973938
And this factor of performance is visible in the implementations of other libraries as well, e.g. leptonica, theano.
It has been a goal of scikits.image to operate without too many explicit dependencies, so pulling in a fast convolution algorithm has been stated as a very desired goal.
The reason why opencv performs so well, is because of its use of SSE operators. In convolution where we apply the same operation on multiple data items the gains in perfomance are considerable.
The following command for example,
__m128 t0 = _mm_loadu_ps(S);
loads 4 values from the S pointer into the 128 bit register t0, and all operations on on this register operate on these values in parallel.
s0 = _mm_add_ps(s0, s1);
I have implemented a SSE based float32 convolution routine and though a bit slower than opencv, it diminishes the performance gap considerably. Each type needs some additional work, including support for row and column separable convolutions. With this we will get a good foundation for a fast convolution implementation.
Benchmark of current results for the test case:
scikits.image 11.029958725
opencv 5.04112243652
scipy.ndimage 43.2901382446
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Video work
camera =CvVideo("test.avi")#or camera = GstVideo("test.avi")image = camera.get()
Monday, July 4, 2011
Backend Testing
Friday, June 17, 2011
Low barrier to entry
Documentation for each function is updated to indicate what backends are available. To do that though without importing a module, we have resorted to quick parsing of the function definitions of a module.
At the start of the execution, the source tree is scanned and scikits.image.backends is populated with all found backends. This can be used for backend exploration.
Scikits.image already has a IO plugin system with very similar though slightly more complicated infrastructure, and in the future it may be wise to merge the two systems. This will require two tiers of backends one for visualization and one for processing.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
How we will handle documentation of a function and its backend is also a topic of discussion. The backend function documentation should be made available if that backend is in use, or at least a good indication that this backend is the one at service.
I also started with some color conversion backends, and I've found that implementations differ to some extent. HSV for example is handled quite arbitrarily between frameworks and this will hamper comparative testing. Even gray scale conversion offers subtle differences.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Initial backend work
I've started with the Sobel operation, and implemented it in both opencv and opencl. At the same time I've reworked the numpy version as well so that identical results can be obtained. With different implementations at your disposable a great benefit is the way that you can test and benchmark different algorithms.
The working idea for now is to make a decorator that one can add to functions:
def sobel(image):
# numpy implementation
This will add an optional backend implementation parameter to the function that the function will try to use:
# use the opencv sobel implementation
sobel(image, backend="opencv")
# use the opencl implementation on an available gpu
sobel(image, backend="opencl")
If the specified implementation is not found, we fall back to the default numpy backend. For global backend selections we are thinking of something in the following line:
This will try to use opencl wherever possible.
An alternative thought to our current setup is to specify it more explicitly:
The following week we will try to finalize this API and implement a few more functions.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Accepted for the Google Summer of Code!
Now it is time to tool up and cover some groundwork before we begin!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Multiple computational backend support
While scikits.image is currently built on NumPy, leveraging the graphical processing unit (GPU) by using PyOpenCL (http://mathema.tician.de/software/pyopencl) would provide a significant speed increase for certain parallelizable algorithms.
Similarly, other libraries such as CorePy (http://www.corepy.org) and Theano (http://deeplearning.net/software/theano) provide benefits over NumPy under certain circumstances.
To leverage these libraries, a backend system will be implemented whereby algorithms can easily be run on different libraries or devices. For example, we could execute a color conversion on the GPU as:
from scikits.image import backend
rgb2hsv(x, backend=backend('opencl'))
Video Input and Output
The scikit has excellent input/output plugin facilities, but currently does not support video reading, writing or display. Existing open source video reader libraries will be wrapped using Cython (http://cython.org), whereafter the existing ImageCollection class can be modified to display them. The possibility of wrapping a camera acquisition library can be investigated.
Image Processing Algorithms
The number of algorithms provided by the library is currently limited. The addition of certain key algorithms would increase its usefulness dramatically. I propose adding the following algorithms, implemented in Cython:
Feature detection (probabilistic Hough transform, STAR, FAST)
Segmentation (graph cuts and watershed)
Geometrical transformations (distortion removal)
This goal seems ambitious, but for many algorithms existing wrappers exist which may be re-used, for example code from CellProfiler at MIT’s Broad Institute (released under a BSD license).
To improve adoption of the project, I’d like to write an introductory tutorial and improve the existing documentation.